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Belize Living

What’s newly opened and fun in Belize??? Placencia & Ambergris Caye

Belize is so small, and realistically, it changes pretty slowly all things considered – but it is amazing how many new little places crop up all the time. Thankfully, at this time, they are almost exclusively mom-and-pop places like the history of Belize has always had (I can only think of Losers and Hilton’s Mahogany Bay as chains that have opened in the country recently – yes there is talk of more...

Quick guide to some of the most helpful links about visiting or living in Belize!

We get a lot of the same questions from people coming to Belize, either for a vacation or to check it out as a potential place to move. I find that I send the same links over and over, so I thought I’d put them all in one place! What to Pack: Basics An even more comprehensive guide The most comprehensive FAQ list you will find about questions you didn’t know you had: More geared to...

It’s getting hard to keep up with all the new stuff opening up in Belize!

With two locations in Belize now, San Pedro and Placencia, our team has really had our eyes opened to how much new stuff happens and/or opens each season!! There are a lot of very smart and hardworking locals or people who come to Belize with good intentions, and see a lot of unmet needs, and many of them are successful. While we wish every great new place would stick around forever – and many great ones...

What Language is Spoken in Belize

Belize is a small country about the size of Massachusetts, with less than 400,000 people. Despite being one of the least densely populated countries in the world, Belize’s vibrant history has led to a diversity of culture, ethnicities, and language that is fascinating to experience. Belize was once the home of the Maya Indians. Historians believe these Maya disappeared around 1,000 years ago but some...

Beach Bars and Sunset Cruises: A Typical Week in Placencia, Belize

I have been living in Belize for about five years now. I made my home base in Placencia, a laid-back community in the southern part of Belize.  I have chosen this spot for good reason. Placencia is known as the prettiest village in the country. It's beautifully situated on a 16-mile peninsula that is mostly very skinny—in some places you can see the sparkling Caribbean on both sides of the one...

Cost of Living in Belize

There are a lot of conflicting reports about the cost of living in Belize, and for good reason. Belize is not the cheapest place in Central America to live. However, the vast majority of expats figure out with experience, how to live on much less than in the U.S., and with a higher quality of life. Due to the fact Belize is not an overly materialistic country, means the biggest change that expats see...

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