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Many investors have considered purchasing or own rental homes. The new trend is, owning a Vacation Rental Home, or “Dual-Purpose Property.” Use it as a vacation property and rent it out to generate a return on investment.

LIVit Belize Property Management can help you maximize your investment.

Short term rental income will out preform long term rental income with less wear and tear on your property. Your property is cared for on a per visit basis with hotel quality housekeeping and preventative maintenance.

Resort Vacation homes located in tourist destinations attract high occupancy rates, high nightly rates, and dual appreciation from income and market appreciation.

The demand for vacation rentals is at an all-time high and continues to grow. Vacation homes are almost always more affordable than hotels. Factor in more space and the cost of eating in vs out. So much more than a room with a view!

Use our Vacation Property Investment Calculator which combines our Property Management Services to consider a sound financial decision quickly and easily.

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