Belize is so small, and realistically, it changes pretty slowly all things considered – but it is amazing how many new little places crop up all the time. Thankfully, at this time, they are almost exclusively mom-and-pop places like the history of Belize has always had (I can only think of Losers and Hilton’s Mahogany Bay as chains that have opened in the country recently – yes there is talk of more but it’ll be a while.)Because all the new stuff makes my head spin, I find it helpful to keep a record of new places as they open. Here are the new places in the last couple months in Placencia and Ambergris Caye! ***HERE is my last update from February 2019 – a couple places were mentioned in the this post that are here again, but they weren’t quite open yet
Twisted Tea – a cute new place in the old Wallen’s store – great, unique idea! From their Facebook page: “Hi peeps. We are a new Tea shop across from Basketball Court. Ice and hot Teas. Hard apple cider and Hobbs Beer. Open early Monday to Saturday. Try our Sparkling Cold Tea.”

Potliquors – This new lagoon-beachfront bar is getting a lot of great reviews!! Worth a stop in the Maya Beach area.

Toucan Jacks – this is a new little beachfront bar at a new hotel in Placencia. I don’t think outside guests can swim at the pool but they are having some cute get together events!

Hobbs Brewing – One complaint in Belize is the lack of brewery beers – we still aren’t sure how these guys did it, but it has been a HUGE hit, raves about their brews, and it has even been showing up in Ambergris Caye. Belize traditionally has only allowed Belikin beer, brewed in Belize, or Caricom beers (Caribbean). This is a first and a very welcome addition!

Mademoiselle Bakery – Another welcome addition to the Placencia sidewalk and people are raving about it…Here is an example of the super unique offerings – from their Facebook page: “Time for something new! The Ultra Fresh Club Sandwich Made with Olive Bread, Cream Cheese, Spices, Fresh Herbs and Vegetables. $10BZ per slice.”

Placencia Mini Golf – This is a new, super cute and fun looking offering for a fun afternoon up in Maya Beach!

Rooftop bar at Miramar – great views, cozy seating, right in the heart of town!!

Peggy’s Cornbread Cafe – Nautical Inn – Yum! Southern food on the peninsula…

Ambergris Caye:
New Clinic – Belize Medical Associates is opening this clinic with some advanced care on the island, and this is really huge news. It is nearing completion and will really change the safety dynamics for all the development north of the bridge!

Origins – Vegan – this place is already a hit Vegan food is still a bit hard to come by on the island, and this cafe is one of the first to exclusively cater to vegan! **HERE is a guide to vegan eating in Belize….

Capricorn – this was a classic restaurant on the island, that closed down for a while and is having their grand opening party this Saturday!! Will probably become a destination north of the bridge…

Diamond Lodge Pool Bar – this boutique hotel in the south of town recently opened its pool to the public, with happy hour specials – and you can swim there! Not all hotels allow outside guests in the pool so this is a welcome spot in the south

Planed Road ALLLLL the way north to Rojo Beach Bar – I was personally shocked a few weeks ago when I went for a ride north. Apparently the road has been planed north very recently – and this is seriously changing the situation up there. Going up to Rojo used to be considered a serious haul – like you really had to want it, it was a destination. The road was really bad, pot-holed, jarring, and it took FOREVER because of how slow you had to drive around the holes. It would easily take over an hour to drive from north of the bridge to Rojo. NOW…… can get there in about 20 smooth, happy minutes – maybe less. There are NO jarring holes to worry about, it is pretty comfortable and now there is no excuse to go see the talking bird at Rojo

The Belikin Store – super cute and fun store now open right by the Tropic Air airport!! Great place for your house if you live here, or souvenirs if you have to leave In the past Belikin beer stuff was a little hard to find.