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July 2020

New York Times recommends Belize

With Belize opening of their International Airport on August 15th 2020, The New York Times is recommending Belize to US Citizens.  Visitors must stay at a Belizean "Gold Standard" hotel, which can offer full services,  Rental cars will not be available and tours will only be available with an approved tour operator.  Belize is one of few countries that has been able to contain the virus with on 20 cases...

Belize One of the Top Caribbean Beaches for 2020

Belize to reopen on August 15th 2020 with COVID test required prior to or upon arrival.  With the current ban of European travel for US travelers, Belize is your to go place to visit.  Don't take our word on it.  A recent Forbes article highlighted Belize.  "The Top Caribbean Beaches for 2020"  Come visit you'll be happy you did.  Let us know how we can help book your...

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